
欧州評議会 移民の言語統合に関するシンポジウム
URL: http://www.coe.int/en/web/lang-migrants

欧州評議会言語政策部門主催 国際シンポジウム
「成人の移民の言語統合:研究から学ぶこと The Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants: Lessons from Research」2016年3月30日〜4月1日 ストラスブール、フランス
Language testing in the context of migration: pro and con from a (psycho)linguistic perspective – Rosemarie Tracy
基調講演2 Migrants connectés, integration sociale et apprentissage/certification en langues: prendre en compte la nouvelle donne numérique –Claude Springer
基調講演3 Language, migration, and families –Ofelia García
27 Mediation and the social and linguistic integration of migrants: updating the CEFR descriptors –Brian North and Enrica Piccardo
CEFRの生みの親の一人であるブライアン・ノース氏の発表で、2015年に行われたCEFRの「Mediation 仲介」の部分について、現行ではほとんど記述がないので、新しいプロジェクトとして能力記述の妥当性・整合性を高める作業が行われた。(日本からも大阪大学チームが参加したが)分析が進んでおり、その成果を入れて、2017年には改訂版CEFRが出る予定だそうだ。そこには移民の社会・言語的統合を意識した「Mediation 仲介」の能力記述が含まれる予定だそうで、期待している。
74 “Crawlers, footers and runners”: language ideological reactions to hybrid language repertoires in a Dutch L2 classroom
76 Using workplace learning to support linguistic integration of adult migrants – lessons from a decade of work in Sweden
88 La place de la L1 dans les familles originaires de Turquie en Alsace
36 Langues et identities dans la communautê kurde de France
85 Immigrants and prison: good practices in Europe
78 Aging in an L2 context: the wellbeing of Turkish migrants in the Netherlands
22 Language tests for access, integration and citizenship: an outline for policymakers from the ALTE perspective
14 All a question of the “right” capital? Subjectification through language tests for residence permit in Austria
55 Community networks and super-connectors: how is English learned in the classroom used in the wider super-diverse community? 
62 Linguistic integration and residence policies in Italy: issues and perspectives
53 Teenage and adult migrants with low and very low education level: learners’ profile and proficiency assessment tools
92 The language skills of adult migrants in Europe – evidence from official data
49 What do employees have to read, write, speak and listen to at the workplace? A comparison of communicative requirements
52 Supporting migrants in low-paid, low-skilled employment in London to improve their English
38 Literacy and language teaching: tools, implementation and impact
48 Integration of migrant citizens, from language proficiency to the knowledge of society: the Italian case
31 Répertoires linguistiques de prisonniers étrangers en Italie et en Europe: premiers Résultats des projets